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HuaFang Group of China
Huafang Venture Capital Investment
Huafang Venture Capital Investment Co., Ltd. was founded in 2010 and it is wholly-owned subsidiary of Huafang Group. Based on abundant funds and resource advantage of Huafang Group and professional administrative group, the company specializes in assisting enterprises which would like to be listed in realizing listing. At the end of 2011, the company has set up four mutuing funds. Investment philosophy: 1. To explore project according to foreign venture investment and to operate according to domestic venture investment; 2. Do not interfere with the daily operating management of invested enterprises. Investee and way: 1. Industry selection: energy conservation and environment protection, new energy, new material, information technology, biological pharmacy, medical equipment, and advanced manufacturing industry; 2. Industry status: potential industry leader or leader of regional market; 3. Management team: have both ability and political integrity, full of passion; 4. Investment way: equity investment. Value-added services: listing service, management consulting, strategic reviewing, merging integration. Add: 18/F, Huafang International Building, 178 Chengbei Road, Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu, China    Tel: +86-512-58811854 58811855 58811856 Fax: +86-512-58811853

E-mail: 欧宝体育官方:huafangvc@yahoo.cn

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